I’m Harvey Dawkins, and this is my story. There are 86,400 seconds in a day to do something positive. This is what I do.

I was born with cerebral palsy and epilepsy, but my mom never saw me as being disabled, so around the age of 3, my mum did what most parents of able-bodied children do: she bought me a tricycle.

This is where my story really begins. I soon discovered that it was far easier for me to ride than walk. It was then that a bike became a lifelong part of my world.

When I was a teenager, I decided one day to “run away,” so I got on my bike and rode from Bensalem to South Philadelphia, which was about a 60-mile ride. It was then when my love of long-distance or endurance riding came to be.

When I got older, I found that I could combine my love of cycling with my desire to help others.

My first opportunity came with a charity ride to raise money for a paraplegic young man. I ride for multiple sclerosis in the MS-150 events to help raise monies for the cure. This came about when my co-workers convinced me to ride in the City to Shore MS-150, in 2006, to honor a fellow co-worker stricken with multiple sclerosis. To date, I’ve ridden in 16 MS 150 rides in 5 different states. My personal long-term goal is to ride in all 50 states.

I found that I could combine my love of cycling with my desire to help others

Source: youtube.com

I have cerebral palsy which affects both legs and my right arm, I also have epilepsy. I think it is very important for everyone to be part of something positive in society.

In April 2012 I was featured in a news story of a cerebral palsy rider participating in a MS-150, by Houston station CW39 KIAH-TV:

In 2013 I also decided to become a triathlete, as if riding 75 miles in a day wasn’t enough to test my endurance.

September 17, 2017, I completed my first half Ironman, in Atlantic City, NJ.

Source: youtube.com

Thank You for reading my story.
Harvey Dawkins

“In life, it does not matter how you do it, it only matters that you didn't quit. Harvey Dawkins is that guy. He doesn't allow cerebral palsy to limit his dreams.... he lives his life to the fullest. He embodies the IRONMAN spirit.

Thank you, Harvey. You have no idea how your dedication is affecting THOUSANDS of people right now. Way to #dothework.”

Stephen Del MonteFounder and CEO of DelMoSports, Inc

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The next Saturday 21st of November at 4 pm, you will be able to know first hand our product: mjn-SERAS.
mjn-SERAS is a healthcare product that sends a warning signal when the risk of epileptic seizures is high, to the affected person and their trusted contacts.

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    mjn-SERAS is a medical device with CE marking according to the European Directive 93/42/EEC and the Royal Decree RD. 1591/2009.
    Contraindications: Do not use the product if you suffer from an infection in the ear canal or if you suffer from a skin lesion in the vicinity of the product's area of influence.
    Considerations: This medical product works with an APP only on Android phones. The results tested are 96% sensitivity and 94% specificity.

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    El próximo sábado 21 de noviembre a las 4 de la tarde, podrás conocer de primera mano nuestro producto: mjn-SERAS.
    mjn-SERAS es un producto sanitario que lanza una señal de aviso cuando el riesgo de crisis de epilepsia es elevado, a la persona afectada y a sus contactos de confianza.


      mjn-SERAS es un producto sanitario con marcado CE conforme a la Directiva Europea 93/42/EEC y el Real Decreto RD. 1591/2009.
      Contraindicaciones: No usar el producto en caso de padecer una infección en el canal auditivo o en caso de padecer una lesión cutánea en las proximidades del área de influencia del producto.
      Consideraciones: Este producto sanitario funciona con una APP solo en teléfonos Android. Los resultados testeados son 96% de sensibilidad y 94% de especificidad.