Hi Fernando, tell us what did you study and your previous experience before coming to mjn-neuro.
Hello! I am an Industrial Technical Engineer, specializing in Industrial Electronics. My previous experience before joining mjn-neuro has always been linked to the healthcare system and health products sector.

During the first years, I was focused on the world of hospital telecommunications, product management, and development. Afterward, I have specialized in medical devices, where I have been specifically trained in the regulatory requirements applicable to this type of product and the applicable regulations.

How did you know about our project? How did you enter the team?
I met the project through social networks and common contacts we shared.

From the first moment, I fell in love with the project and I am caught by its social background and its technological profile. I joined the team to collaborate on the part of regulatory compliance and the quality management system, completing a team of high technological profile.

What are your tasks at mjn-neuro?
My main task is to ensure the quality management system of the company. I am responsible for the quality and safety of the product so that we carry out the required controls making sure that the products offer all the necessary guarantees.

You do remote work. What advantages do you find? Disadvantages?
mjn-neuro is a very innovative company in that aspect. They have given me absolute confidence to be able to work from distance and fulfill my obligations even if it is not every day in person.

Obviously, the main advantage is family reconciliation; I am a dad of 2 children and this makes my work at home easier.
Regarding the inconveniences, it could be that the distance creates a more difficult or less effective communication but fortunately, it is solved with a predisposition and desire to contribute, so I do not find any real inconvenience.

For personal matters, I think that I can imagine how it feels to have the uncertainty of when a crisis will happen

How do you see your work in 5 years?
With enthusiasm and strength; in 5 years I see that this great project will be a reality and that we will have contributed our small grain of sand to improve society.

I consider myself demanding and technical; In a few years, we will have products that will be a revolution in health sciences as they are known today. Our company will be a reference for health efficiency, technique, and innovation.

And on a personal level, how makes you feel to be able to help people with epilepsy?
It is a satisfaction and a challenge from the first moment. For personal matters, I think that I can imagine how it feels to have the uncertainty of when a crisis will happen; or of the possible limitations in the daily life of the patients, at least the differences that it supposes in comparison with not having it.

It has always been for me a personal challenge, almost a way of life, because I believe in a “more social society”. I think it is possible to use technology to improve the quality of life and, that, without a doubt, is the best thing that can happen to me in the professional field.

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The next Saturday 21st of November at 4 pm, you will be able to know first hand our product: mjn-SERAS.
mjn-SERAS is a healthcare product that sends a warning signal when the risk of epileptic seizures is high, to the affected person and their trusted contacts.

Sign up now!

    mjn-SERAS is a medical device with CE marking according to the European Directive 93/42/EEC and the Royal Decree RD. 1591/2009.
    Contraindications: Do not use the product if you suffer from an infection in the ear canal or if you suffer from a skin lesion in the vicinity of the product's area of influence.
    Considerations: This medical product works with an APP only on Android phones. The results tested are 96% sensitivity and 94% specificity.

    Save the date

    El próximo sábado 21 de noviembre a las 4 de la tarde, podrás conocer de primera mano nuestro producto: mjn-SERAS.
    mjn-SERAS es un producto sanitario que lanza una señal de aviso cuando el riesgo de crisis de epilepsia es elevado, a la persona afectada y a sus contactos de confianza.


      mjn-SERAS es un producto sanitario con marcado CE conforme a la Directiva Europea 93/42/EEC y el Real Decreto RD. 1591/2009.
      Contraindicaciones: No usar el producto en caso de padecer una infección en el canal auditivo o en caso de padecer una lesión cutánea en las proximidades del área de influencia del producto.
      Consideraciones: Este producto sanitario funciona con una APP solo en teléfonos Android. Los resultados testeados son 96% de sensibilidad y 94% de especificidad.